Which Hair Extensions suits Your Hair?

Hair extensions will give you and beautiful hair quickly and easily. Within a short time, you can have gorgeous, long and thick hair. It’s important to ensure that you get the right one for your hair type to avoid hair damage. Don’t be tempted to choose extensions just because you saw someone wearing the extension. Visit the hair extension salon and ensure that you get the right hair extensions for your hair type. In this article, we look at the advantages and disadvantages of the various hair extensions to help you choose one that will work for your hair.

Pros and Cons of Different Types of Hair Extensions

Clip in Hair Extensions

Clip in hair extensions are the easiest extensions to wear and remove. The extensions have a different number of clips for different areas of the head.

Advantages of Clip in Hair Extensions

  • They are very versatile because they are easy to wear and remove.
  • They are available in different colours and length and you can, therefore, have a different hairstyle for each day
  • You can wear them at home. You visit the hair extension salon and the hair stylist will assess your hair, and show you how to apply the hair extensions and the number of wefts suitable for your hair. After the consultation visit, you can wear and remove the extension at home
  • The extension is affordable
  • It doesn’t cause hair damage. The extensions don’t require heat and it will, therefore, cause no hair damage.

Disadvantages of Clip in Extensions

  • You cant wear the extension for long periods because they may damage your hair
  • If not well taken care of, they may damage your hair.

Fusion Hair Extensions

Fusion hair extensions are either cold or hot fusion. When using hot fusion the extensions are bonded to the hair using a keratin bond that has silicon. The col fusion uses small copper hair cylinders to hold the hair sections together.

Advantages of Hot Fusion

  • Its one of the most permanent method of fixing hair extensions and they can last up to 6 months
  • Suitable for thick coarse hair and it blends well with natural hair


  • It takes a long time to fix. It takes 6-8 hours to fix
  • It may cause damage to your hair especially if it’s fixed by an inexperienced hair stylist. Its, therefore, best done at the hair extensions salon.
  • The extensions cannot be reused after its removed and that makes the method more expensive
  • May cause itchiness and a pulling sensation

Advantages of Cold Fusion

  • Doesn’t require glue or heat to apply and it will therefore not cause any damage to hair
  • The extension can be reused and that makes them more affordable.

Disadvantages of cold fusion

  • It takes a lot of time to fix.
  • If not properly applied they may appear unnatural. They are not ideal for thin hair.
  • They hair bonds may not be as tight as for hot fusion and may slip leading to hair damage

Weave Extensions

The hair is braided and the extension is fixed on the braided hair.


  • The extensions are well secured and they will not damage the hair
  • It doesn’t damage hair because there is no heat or glue use.
  • Ideal for thick and coarse hair
  • It’s affordable because you can reuse the extension


  • It takes several salon hours to apply
  • Not suitable for thin because heavy weft may damage the hair
  • If the braid is heavy it will cause headaches and scalp itching
  • It doesn’t give you the liberty to style your hair in different ways

Tape in Hair Extensions

Tape in extensions is applied to the hair using a polyurethane tape. The hair stylist will assess the thickness of your hair and determine whether to apply a double or a single polyurethane.


  • It takes a short time to fix
  • It doesn’t require heat or glue to fix and that means there will be no damage to the hair.
  • Hair weft are distributed over a large area and they don’t pull the hair
  • When well applied they lie flat and will be undetectable
  • The extensions can be reused and that makes them affordable
  • They can last up to 8 weeks if well taken care of.


  • You cant wash your hair until 48 hours are over after application
  • Oil based products may damage the tape and its therefore advisable not to apply the products to your hair.

Visit the hair extensions salon and choose the hair extension that works for your hair. The hair stylist will help you assess your hair and determine the best human hair extension for your hair. Make sure the extension you choose is professionally fixed and follow the care instructions given by the hair stylist. Lastly, ensure that you remove the extensions carefully to avoid damaging your hair as you remove the extension.

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